Car Accidents: When and Where they Mostly Happen
Car accidents are an unfortunate occurrence. From minor fender-benders to major collisions, accidents have an impact on everyone involved. In Canada alone, more than 350 police-reported accidents happen every single day. The reasons behind them are numerous and varied, but most of them happen due to one or more of the following five reasons:
1. Evening rush time
Without a doubt, this factor is the single biggest cause of road accidents in Canada. Every weekday, between the hours of 3 pm and 6 pm, the country experiences the highest number of collisions. The evening rush time accounts for 25 percent of all accidents that happen over the course of a day in the country.
2. Summer time
You may think that Canada’s harsh winters are to blame for the bulk of on-road accidents, but facts and figures tell a different story. It is actually the summer months that see most accidents happen, as there is increased volume on the roads and people rush to get to and from their vacations. Nearly 20 percent of all accidents reported country-wide occur in the months of July and August, with August coming in at the very top.
3. Friday frenzy
Everyone is usually in a rush to get home on a Friday and kick off the weekend, but this behaviour vastly increases the chances of getting into an accident. Statistics show that Friday is the one day of the week that most accidents happen in Canada, with nearly 17 percent of all police-reported collisions occurring on the last day of the week.
4. Bright, sunny days
Yes, you read that right. Collisions are far more likely to happen on a bright, clear day, as too much sun can make drivers gloomy. Research shows that there is a 70 percent more chance of an accident occurring on a sunny day than one happening on a rainy, snowy, or foggy day.
5. Intersections
Intersections are everywhere, and they present a very real possibility of an accident. This is because intersections can prove to be tricky for some drivers, even when they are controlled by visible lights or signs. Statistics reflect this fact, and show that half of all collisions reported in Canada happen at intersections.
These five factors present the greatest level of risk to all drivers in Canada, and demand extra care by everyone behind the wheel. A collision can have a significant impact on your car insurance rate, and an at-fault accident can potentially send your premiums soaring. In Ontario, the average annual premium for a driver with no prior accidents is around $1,680, but this can jump to over $2,200 due to an at-fault collision. So always remember to proceed with caution whenever you encounter any of these situations, and help keep everyone safe on the road.